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Plumber Gold Reef City plumbers Plumb A Nator Icon

Plumber Gold Reef City plumbers Plumb A Nator

Plumber Gold Reef City plumbers near me offer after sales with guarantees on all work on a free call out bases in the surrounding Gold Reef City area.

Plumber Gold Reef City plumbers Plumb A Nator

Gold Reef City plumbers

Gold Reef City experienced professionals

Plumber Gold Reef City Plumb A Nator plumbers offer a free call-out fee in the Gold Reef City and surrounding areas of Johannesburg. Our team leader Orville only uses original replacement parts as we offer a guarantee on all our repairs. Accompanying the guarantee is an extensive after-sales service ensuring total client satisfaction in Gold Reef City. Orville always keeps extra Pressure valves, Pan sealers, Tap head parts, Flexi pipes and can thus do a repair while you wait. The benefit of Orville is the fact that he also lives in Gold Reef City and can thus be at your door in no time. Cutting traveling costs and most importantly time benefits Orville so that he can spend more time at your premises ensuring the first-time-right fix.

Gold Reef City special for this week

Gold Reef City blocked drain repair 10% discount

Gold Reef City blocked drain cleaning done by our plumbers all hours of the day and night. Because we understand the frustrations of a blocked drain in Gold Reef City and the potential health risk.

Here are common issues we have dealt with in the area:

Gold Reef City slow-running drain

Gold Reef City slow-running drains are a common indicator that your drain is busy blocking up. The fact that your toilet drains slower is a clear giveaway that the sewer pipe connected to the toilet is busy filling with water and slowly drains over a period of time. In most instances, the drain will stop flowing within a day or so. It is at this point that we will suggest getting a plumber on the premises as soon as possible to avoid drains overflowing and leaving a total mess in their wake.

Local Gold Reef City plumbers

Local Gold Reef City plumbers are what we normally use to expedite the arrival of our plumber at your premises. E have local teams in just about every suburb of Johannesburg. If it so happens that we need to send a unit from another area we don’t charge more, even though the cost of fuel has skyrocketed in the last while.

Gold Reef City leaking toilet

Gold Reef City leaking toilet repairs are a daily exercise for our local teams. Many areas of the toilet may start leaking and our teams have all the spares to stop the leak fast. Normally we find that the toilet leaks from the exhaust. What most people are not aware of is the fact that the toilet exhaust leak could also include gas. This is poisonous hydrogen sulfide and ammonia gas that is also flammable.

Gold Reef City burst geyser replacement

Gold Reef City burst geyser replacements include a new geyser drum, Vacuum Breakers, T&P valves, Drain cogs, Copper Piping, and usually a Pressure Control Valve. We keep stock on hand for that unfortunate event over a weekend or after hours. Various reasons cause geysers to burst in the area. Mainly we have found the top culprit to be age. In very few instances we have found bad workmanship and rip-off replacement parts. We avoid these mistakes by using only qualified PIRB-registered plumbers to ensure a safe and guaranteed geyser replacement service.

Gold Reef City new dishwasher point installation

Gold Reef City's new dishwasher point installations include a waste pipe for the dishwasher, water points hot and cold, and obviously an electrical wall socket f you dint have one. We have qualified and certified electricians that install the wall sockets if needed. All our guys carry the material to make your installation a reality while you wait. Apart from having it installed fast we also offer guarantees with after-sales service to our clients. The waste pipe must be laid to run to the closest gully outside the building. We also include angle valves so that you can quickly shut off the water supply to the dishwasher if need be.

Gold Reef City high water bill

Gold Reef City's high water bill is normally attributed to a water leak. In this case, it is not necessarily a burst or leaking pipe. We have found in most instances that a leaking toilet or leaking tap is the root cause. Most people do not know that a leaking toilet can result in a water loss of 200 liters per day. Our teams are always willing to asses your plumbing installation when they visit your premises in Gold Reef City. We do this free of charge and we don’t charge a call-out fee. So if you want us to come and assess your plumbing, we are happy to do so at no expense to you.

Gold Reef City low water pressure

Gold Reef City low water pressure could be the result of various issues. Firstly, we have found that if the low water pressure is only evident in your hot water system, it is normally your pressure valve that s clogged up with silt. Silt is almost like sand and is common in areas like Gold Reef City when the municipality switches off the water and on again as they are working on pipe repairs. Secondly, we have found that deposits inside galvanized pipes are another culprit in the Gold Reef City area as most premises in the area are old.

All plumbers near me Gold Reef City

All plumbers near me Gold Reef City are in the surrounding area of Gold Reef City. On standby and ready for your call for help. Gold Reef City plumbers are hard workers that have a decent amount of years of experience. Proving that they are more than capable to complete most plumbing issues. Thus, with years of experience also comes to the qualifications, concluding that all our plumbers are fully certified.

24 hour plumbers near me Gold Reef City

24 hour plumbers near me Gold Reef City is how many residents of the Gold Reef City area find us. And that is the service offer clients in the area. A superior all hour plumbing service within the greater Johannesburg area. From solar geysers systems, right up to leaking toilet repairs. Apart from getting a great plumbing service our teams add the human touch by cleaning the work area once we are finished. On top of this all we also supply an after sales service to be remembered.

Accredited plumbers near me Gold Reef City

Accredited plumbers near me Gold Reef City offer a superior plumbing service in the greater Gold Reef City area. We can do this because we only used certified and qualified plumbers in the area. Using the latest technologies and procedures assist our certified plumbers to easily detect and rectify a plumbing issue, because most of all they rely on their many years of experience to ensure a smooth repair or installation.

  • Leaking geyser repair
  • Solar geyser repair
  • Mixer repairs
  • Sink repairs
  • Basin repairs
  • Burst geyser repair
  • Burst pipe repair
  • Water leak repair
  • Leaking toilet repair
  • Leaking shower repair
  • Blocked toilet cleaning
  • Blocked drain cleaning
  • Leaking geyser repair
Local Plumber Gold Reef City plumbers Plumb A Natorplumbers-near-me-1.png


We don’t charge for quotes or call-out fees.

All plumbing repairs including Solar


Our artisans are fully stocked with all parts, so we also offer an emergency service.
Our plumbers specialise in all plumbing services

We work in Long St, Albertville, Randburg


No we dont. We only charge when you have accepted the quotation.

No we use a flat rate. So if you contact us on a Sunday evening, the rate will be the same as on Monday morning.

No we deal directly with you the client. We do however prepare all the required documentation for the insurance claim with supporting documentation and photos.

Yes we are a COD company. This means that we require proof of payment once we have completed the work.

Yes we do. We offer 3 months guarantees on workmanship, and normally 12 months on material, except in the case of geysers which carry a 5 year warranty.

We service Johannesburg

We service the whole of Gauteng which is a province of South Africa that is home to the largest city in the country, Johannesburg. It includes major cities such as Pretoria and Soweto. Gauteng covers an area of 18 110km2 and has a population of over 13 million people who may use our services.

Contact Us

    Our services

    Plumber Gold Reef City plumbers Plumb A Nator services

    Solar Geyser Repair

    Solar Geyser Repair

    Solar geyser repairs performed by us come standard with a free call-out fee. We also include guarantees and an ...

    Electric Geyser Repair

    Electric Geyser Repairs

    Electric Geyser Repairs all hours with a free call-out fee and a guarantee on all work performed

    Drain Cleaning

    Drain Cleaning

    Drain Cleaning services all hours including a guarantee and after-sales service with a free call-out fee.

    Sewer Line Repair

    Sewer Line Repair

    Sewer Line Repair at all hours including weekends with a guarantee on parts and workmanship.

    Toilet Installation

    Toilet Installation

    Toilet Installation by a qualified plumber always ensures satisfaction and reliability. We offer guarantees and after-sales service.

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