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Solar installation policy

All our solar installations are standard system installations integrated to AC power with standard pricing based ONLY on the components provided in quotations. Certificate of compliance is only applicable for full system installations and where wiring is done on both AC and DC. CoC’s are not valid for just solar panel installations or battery installations

Transportation of solar products is additionally added by either a courier company or directly by our installers.

Our installers are in no way liable for any damages on transported goods except if they are directly responsible for the damages that occurred.

No electrical engineer or solar installer is required to do any work outside of the work that has been quoted for and accepted by the client.

All our solar system bundles are ready to be installed with the components added to the bundle and connected to the property’s AC electrical system. The solar installer will ensure all voltages are correctly measured and earthing is correctly configured.

All additional electrical work, apart from what was quoted on, can be completed after a quote has been accepted and does not fall under the standard solar system costs.

All additional solar or electrical components not listed by a quotation or paid for, cannot be added by the installer, and will need to be ordered through Plumb A Nator.

No electrical engineer may drive around for clients or do any additional tasks or projects outside of the scope of the solar installation project quoted for.

Our standard installations include the installation of products we quoted for to be configured to a DB board and supply power to essential loads.

Our standard installation prices are only valid in the scope of the installation work for the solar system to be functional, safe and provide power to specified electrical loads. Kindly specify if you require a hybrid inverter to feed non-essential loads as this might require some additional electrical work in some cases that is not part of our standard system installation prices.

No additional electrical work not quoted for, shall be conducted by the installer. The client should ensure that the electrical wiring of his/her DB board, electrical cables and connections, and the electrical system of the home is in a working order without faults.

We also provide Home or Business electrical installations or repairs, and generator installations and repairs at additional standard labor rates.

The solar installation cost does not cover additional AC or DC work not in the scope of the solar system standard installation, by any means.

The solar installer will mount inverters and batteries or battery cabinets to a wall applicable and safe for the components to work. We recommend installing the inverter system close to the DB board. If the distance should be far from the DB board, additional cabling should be installed, and the installer can advise on the costs involved depending on the lengths of the cable required. Some switchgear should also be mounted to walls; therefore, holes will be drilled into the walls for mounting the components.

The installer will ensure all cabling is placed inside of trunking, in a safe manner away from human interaction. Plumb A Nator will ensure all mountings are done neatly and professionally and no components will be installed insecurely. The installer will leave the installation site in a neat manner. However, the installer is not responsible for new paint or hole fillers after mounting has been done. The installer will do their best to cover all holes with a coating or Polyfilla if required.

Solar panels are mounted to the roof of the property and the installer should always work carefully while on a roof. If the installer caused direct damages to tiles, or sinks or to the property, the dispute lies with the installer the repair or pay for repairs required on the damages caused.

The customer has the right to ensure that the installer installs the system in a safe manner and for the installer to explain every aspect of the system to the customer. The installer should always ensure the voltages and configurations of the system is correct BEFORE the system is powered on. Failure to do, and in the case of a component’s failure due to the installer negligence, the installer will be held accountable.

All our solar installations will receive a CoC on work completed. The CoC is only applicable to the solar system and the wiring and not the complete home or commercial property. For a full certificate of compliance on electrical systems, please inquire our team to assist you.

All installed components are covered by product warranties, except in the case where incorrect protection of AVS protection was not used. Our installers always ensure that the correct protection on all systems are used, but in the case where a client recommends another manner of installation, the system warranty will be void. Our installers strictly work with recommended installation diagrams and plans and anything outside of the professional installer’s design will void the warranty on the components. 

If the customer chooses to install a solar, UPS system or any electrical system or wiring in a certain manner that the installer is not aware of, the customer can communicate the installation plan with the installer. If the installer agrees and sees that every aspect of the customer’s design will work and the electrical system will perform optionally, the installer can continue with the preferred installation. If the preferred installation method of the customer does not comply with electrical installation standards or the voltages/amperages will not be correct or the system can be degraded or damaged in the process or in the near future, the installer can advise against the installation method. If the customer demands for an installation not in spec of the original installation plan of the installer, warranties on the components will be void as well as, the installer can refuse to conduct the installation if the installation method does not meet electrical standards or can lead to future problems for the safety of the property or damaging of electrical components.

Electricity is very dangerous to work with and we kindly ask customers to not distract installers while working with live wires or electricity as a whole as this distractions can lead to fatal mistakes. We kindly ask to discuss any inquiry before the installer starts working with electricity.

Plumb A Nator Pty Installers

Plumb A Nator provides solar installers to install solar products professionally. Our installers have the right to discontinue the work and provide a refund on the installation if:

  • The installer is being treated with racist remarks.
  • The client prevents the installer to do a safe and professional installation.
  • The client has illegally obtained products.
  • The client insists on breaking the law or compromises electrical regulations.
  • The installer is not in a safe environment or working conditions.
  • The client prevented the installer to do an inspection of the electrical system of the installation site.


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