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Blocked Shower trap in Theresapark

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Blocked Shower trap in Theresapark

Blocked shower trap in the Theresapark area

A blocked shower trap is a very common problem in the Theresapark area because the piping and showers are old installations. Other factors you can take into consideration to avoid shower traps getting blocked in the Theresapark area are as follows:

  • Hair is one of the most common contributors to blocked shower traps in Theresapark. This is a difficult one to ensure that you will not get a blockage and the best we can suggest sis to ensure that you after taking a shower make sure that you remove all extra hair before flushing the shower trap with a healthy dose of water regularly, or simply install a sieve to catch hair before it enters the shower p trap.
  • Another factor is so called hard water; this is water that is high in minerals. This means that the water contains high levels of iron and calcium. The mineral causes clogs and also corrosion. This is nearly impossible for you to avoid.

On all counts we have the specialised equipment to fix the problem and clear the blocked shower trap in Theresapark in no time.

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